C.T.E :- Every business establishment to obtain consent from State Pollution Control Board to establish the business consent to establish (CTE) is valid for 1 year.
C.T.O :- After obtaining CTE, business establishment has to obtain consent to operate (CTO) from State Pollution Control Board to Operate / run the business. Consent to Operate (CTO) is valid for 5 years.
Authrization Consent Under HWM Rule :- There are so many industries in India that emit hazardous pollution into the environment. Some of the prominent industries that discharge excessive pollution mainly belong to paint, fertilizer, chemical sector, etc. The legislation that regulates these industries is known as Hazardous And Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2015. It is valid for 5 years. We provide liasoning support for Establishments which includes :-
- Labour Departments
- ESIC Departments
- EPF Departments
- Pollution Departments (State/Centeral)
- Other Goverment Departments Related To Establishments